This beautiful Husky is equipped with a Garmin 796 GPS mounted in what is known in Dawg Circles as the “short panel” with a Electronics International MVP-50 all-in-one color engine monitor- 4 point EGT/CHT, fuel flow/totalizer, MAP/RPM, OAT, % of power and checklists. It has a Garmin SL40 Comm and GTX345 ADS-B In.Out transponder with weather and traffic displayed wirelessly on the 796.
Freshly overhauled prop governor, resealed prop, new engine Lord (vibration) mounts, new brake discs & pads, new spark plugs, new 31” AKB Tires, new bungees, new fuel sight tubes.. Fresh May annual by the factory!
Mechanic (not ours!) rolled his tall toolbox into the bottom of the right wing, denting a rib and putting a small tear in the fabric. We do things right, which means Aviat is doing the repair with a complete wing recover using factory methods, factory fabric and factory paint. Photos available. Delivery Available or pick it up at beautiful Afton mid-June!
McCreery has over 20 years experience in,selling & servicing the Husky, with hundreds- new & used- sold. Call or Email The Husky Expert about this beautiful aircraft today! Save $$$$ over new!