Low time, 2 owner, Cirrus Service Center maintained since new! SR22T G6 with NDH, fresh annual and IFR certs. All upgrade packages and desirable options- FIKI, Factory Air, Perspective+, Carbon, Select, Global Connect, Alert/Awareness/Assistance, Digital Advantage, Yaw Damper, Tanis Engine Preheater. Great compressions on original cylinders, new Beringer brake discs & pads, fresh prop overhaul w new boots, new nose strut, new CO detector, new AME electronics (7 year item), one new mag, new MLG tires and new plugs. All calendar year items current. Annuals since 8/2020 by McCreery, a Cirrus Service Center. Make this annual your prebuy!
- Fresh Cirrus Service Center Annual Underway
- Delivered with January, 2025 IFR Certification
- Cirrus Authorized Service Center Maintenance Since New
- 2 Owners Since New
- Motivated Seller- his CirrusJet Arrives Soon!