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1981 Piper PA-34-220T Seneca III

Multi-engine Piston-Used
Registration no. C-GKCBSerial no. 34-8133091

Aircraft Listing Type

For Sale


This commercially operated 1981 Piper Seneca III features low-time engines, a full Garmin glass panel, ice protection systems, and a refined interior with club seating, soundproofing, and luxury finishes. Call Airside to find out more about this fully loaded Seneca III.

Seller location

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Aircraft location

Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada

Airframe Total time

9,445 hours



Left Engine

Make/Model: Continental TSIO-360KB9 (1)

Serial No.: 831424-R

Time: 22.5 SMOH

Overhauled February 12, 2022

Right Engine

Make/Model: Continental LTSIO-360KB

Serial No.: 808057-R

Time 22.5 SMOH

Overhauled February 12, 2022

Notes: Both build 1B


Left Propeller

Make/Model: Hartzell BHC-C2YF-2CKUF

Serial No.: AN5520E

Time: 714.8 SMOH

Overhauled May 31, 2017

Right Propeller

Make/Model: Hartzell BHC-C2YF-2CLKUF

Serial No.: JS531B

Time: 85 SMOH

Overhauled June 12, 2021

Flight rules

Instrument Flight Rules

Navigation equipment

Garmin GDU 620 EFIS PFD #1

Dual Garmin GPS/NAV/COMM GTN 650

King KFC-200 Autopilot system

Garmin Autopilot Interface GAD 43e

Dual Garmin Transponder GTX 32

Garmin ADS-B IN/OUT Transponder GTX 345R

Garmin ADC GDC 74

Garmin Alt./Hdg. GRS 77

Garmin Mag. Sensor GMU 44

Garmin Temp. Probe GTP 59

Xerion AuRACLE CRM2120 Engine & Fuel Displays

Aspen Avionics EFIS PFD #2 EDF1000 with remote sensor module

Apollo Audio Panel SL15M

King ADF KR 87 TSO

Sperry Weather Radar 200 Primus

Standard: ASI & ALT (Standby/Aux.)

Additional equipment

Inflatable door seal & control – Bob Fields Aero

Flight deck gas cylinder – Door Steward

Sun Visor kit, Rosen

Black Magic wastegate kit for L/TSIO-360-KB, Merlyn Products

Wing tips, nose bowls, splitters, flap seals, & gear fairings – Lopresti

Composite Spinners, TCB

Full Vortex Generator Kit, ATS

Ice Protection System:

  • Piper heated LH Pilot windscreen panel & control
  • Stall vane heating & Icing Lighting Kit
  • Propeller De-Ice heating & control, BF Goodrich
  • All Leading edges with pneumatic boots & engine driven vac. pump kit.

Number of seats


Interior Condition

Luxurious interior with super cabin soundproofing. Club Seating with headrests and curtain and rod installed.

Listed for Sale
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Piper Seneca

As seen on:

Piper Seneca

In our view, the Seneca is an entirely reasonable airplane. That, more than anything, may explain why it endures in Pipers line, although the latest Seneca V is far more complex than the original Seneca I. The Seneca V is one of only five twins still in production-the others being the Baron, Pipers own Seminole, the Diamond Twin Star, plus the Tecnam P2006T.

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