N909SF - 1990 CESSNA 550
Note: This aircraft is not currently for sale on our platform.
Current Registration
Serial Number: 550-0630
Aircraft: 1990 CESSNA 550
State: CA
Issue Date: 02/15/2023
Country: US
Expiration Date: 03/31/2028
Zipcode: 93926-0950
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This 1967 Cessna 210G Centurion Is a Glass-Panel ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick

<p>Big engine and cabin make this Cessna a traveling machine.</p>

As seen on:

Bargain Buys on AircraftForSale: 1960 Cessna 210 Centurion

<p>For a unique early version of the legendary 210 with a smaller seat count that reduces insurance premiums, this 210 provides great cross-country capability at a reduced cost.</p>

As seen on:

Bargain Buys on AircraftForSale: 1960 Cessna 210 Centurion

<p>This classic early Centurion has a low-time engine, and it&#8217;s ready for a panel upgrades.</p>

As seen on:

N909SF Flight Data
Last Seen Flying9 Days Ago
Last tracked coordinates:Lat 36.709465 / Long -121.894421

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