N738DG Registration Data
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March 9, 2013, Woodinville, Wash., Maule M-5 Strata Rocket
The airplane was substantially damaged at about 1445 Pacific time when it impacted a residential house following a loss of control while maneuvering at low altitude. The private pilot sustained fatal injuries; the single passenger was seriously injured. Visual conditions existed for the local flight. One witness reported observing the airplane circling at low altitude. A second witness heard a pop sound, then a puff or a sputter and then nothing. The main wreckage was partially inside the garage of a residential home. The airplane initially impacted a van parked on the west side of the home’s driveway with its left wing.
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March 18, 2010, Lewisville, Texas, Maule M-5-235C
The amphibious airplane was substantially damaged at about 1600 Central time when it nosed over while performing a water landing. The pilot sustained minor injuries; the passenger was fatally injured. Visual conditions prevailed.
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March 27, Jay, Fla. / Maule M-5
At about 1300 central time, a Maule M-5-235C nosed over while landing at a private airstrip near Jay. The pilot was not injured. The pilot said he performed two touch-and-go landings without incident, then remained in the pattern for another touch-and-go landing. He said he touched down with 20 degrees of flaps extended within the first third of the 2,000-foot long runway, the airplane bounced but he did not go around because of powerlines that were located at the end of the runway. The airplane touched down again in a tail-low attitude with about 1,000 feet of runway remaining, and the pilot applied the brakes to stop. The airplane nosed over, coming to rest near the departure end....
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