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Fly a Legend Cub with Cooperative Ownership
American Legend Aircraft Company announced a cooperative ownership program whereby its Legend Cub can be purchased for as little as $2900 down, and flown for as little as $28 per hour. The new program is available through LetsFly.org.
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American Legend Offers Lighter Engine for Cub
American Legend Aircraft Company announced that it has selected the lighter weight O-200-D engine from Teledyne-Continental Motors (TCM) to power future models of the Legend Cub Light Sport Aircraft. The company completed and flew its first aircraft with the O-200-D powerplant and displayed it at Sun 'n Fun.
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American Legend Aircraft Offers Stimulus Legend Cub Pricing
American Legend Aircraft Company announced limited availability of its celebrated Legend Cub at the reduced price of $99,895. The Legend Cub is a certified Light Sport Aircraft. It will be available at the reduced price in a ready-to-fly configuration in quantities limited to the next five order positions. The Legend Cub is an advanced aircraft based on the popular original Piper J-3 Cub. Cubs are recognized around the world and for good reason, not the…
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