N4308K Registration Data
Learn More about the PIPER PA-28-161
September 11, 2010, Sierra Vista, Ariz., Extra Flugzeugbau GMBH EA-300
At about 0930 Mountain time, the airplane experienced a loss of engine power while maneuvering and subsequently landed on a nearby highway. During the landing rollout, a vehicle collided with its left wing, causing substantial damage. Neither the solo pilot nor the vehicle operator were injured. Visual conditions prevailed.
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February 09, Leesburg, Fla. / Super Decathlon and Extra 300L
At about 09:15 eastern time, an American Champion 8KCAB and a Flugzeugbau GMBH Extra 300 collided while landing at Leesburg Municipal Airport. The pilot of the Decathlon suffered minor injuries and the pilot and flight instructor in the Extra were not injured. The Extra was in the traffic pattern conducting new purchaser familiarization and the Decathlon was landing from a straight-in approach to runway 13 when the Extras propeller and wing leading edge collided with the Decathlons empennage during the flare and rollout....
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2014 Rotorcraft Buyer’s Guide
Essential knowledge for choosing and flying Experimental rotors. By Roy Beisswenger.
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