N323TA Registration Data
December 3, 2008, Rio Grande, P.R., Rockwell International 690B
At about 1205 Atlantic time, the airplane was destroyed when it impacted terrain. The airline transport pilot and two passengers were killed. Instrument conditions prevailed for the Part 135 on-demand flight.
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Twin Commander 500 Series
[IMGCAP(1)]By dint of good engineering, good construction methods or just good luck, some airframes clearly stand far above others when it comes to reliability and robustness. <P>Only a handful of airplanes meet this description but among them is certainly the big Commander twins, including the 500 series. When first introduced, Rockwell International touted this design as being among the stoutest most reliable airframes ever conceived by man.<P>The reality turns out to be not too far from the truth. Indeed, Commanders do have a reputation of mechanical excellence, although theyre not without their quirks. <P>And everyone knows the airframes are tough as nails, as evidenced by Bob...
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Commander 112/114
These days you don't have to put your eyes on a model 112 or 114 Commander for long to see why these airplanes had perhaps more ramp appeal than the competition. At the time (somewhere around 1972) North American Rockwell remained true to its military contract experience and built big airplane touches into the small Commanders. Even we'll before the Commander singles came along Rockwell had been trying to bring the right mix of ramp appeal, features and performance to the general aviation market. The Lark, Darter and efforts to revive the Meyers 200 didnt exactly work out the way Rockwell had hoped.
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