N202SC Registration Data

Ryan ST vs. Timber Tiger ST-L
Can a modern replica actually be better than a classic original?
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Ryan ST Reimagined
Timber Tiger Aircraft’s ST-L brings modern technology to a classic design.
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Electronic Traffic Avoidance
[IMGCAP(1)]In the world of little airplanes, its all but a given that technology has stood frozen in time since the mid-1960s. The shining exception is avionics. Thanks to GPS and (relatively) cheap color displays, the modern high-dollar IFR panel makes the host airframe seem positively Jurassic.<P>But even within the rosy world of airplane electronics, there's an exception: Collision avoidance equipment. While GPS-even color GPS-is we'll within the budget of the common hangar dweller, electronic collision avoidance is not. Consider this: Even a basic electronic traffic avoidance system-say the Ryan 8800 TCAD-could easily double the cost of a mid-range avionics upgrade, without providing...
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