N182SB Registration Data
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2009 Czech Sport Aircraft SportCruiser—Bargain Buys on Aircraft For Sale
<p>Occasionally, a breath of fresh air in the form of a newer airplane appears on the sub-$100k market, such as this week’s bargain.</p>
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2017 Czech Sport Aircraft Sport Cruiser
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May 6, 2011, Spring Hill, Fla., Czech Sport Aircraft AS Piper Sport
The special light sport aircraft was destroyed when it impacted wooded terrain at 2328 Eastern time. The commercial pilot was fatally injured. Night visual conditions prevailed. Radar data indicated that at 2327:53, the airplane was proceeding northbound over a residential area at 6500 feet. At 2327:57, the altitude readout was 6400 feet. At 2328:02, the altitude readout was 6000 feet, indicating an average descent rate of about 4800 fpm during the previous five seconds.
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