$189,500 OBO
Imagine soaring at 180 mph (160 knots) over the Florida Keys, the Garmin GFC 500 autopilot handling the workload while you enjoy breathtaking views with loved ones. This 1967 Piper PA-24-260B Comanche (N9231P, S/N 24-4729) turns that dream into reality with a premium IFR suite, a mid-life engine, and a pristine condition that reflects a lifetime of care. Hangared its entire life in CA/FL/SC, this adventure-ready classic is priced to move in today's hot market-don't miss your chance to own it! Hangared in Walterboro, SC (KRBW).
Why am I selling this beauty? I don't have the time to fly it that I was anticipating. My aging parents are having health issues that require my help. This Comanche should be flying....not just making my hangar look awesome.
Performance: 1205lb useful load, 90 gallon fuel capcity, 1000nm range.
65% cruise power= 160kts TAS (185mph) @ 12-14 gph
Airframe Time: 7800
Engine TSMOH: 977hr
Prop Time Since New: 727hr (2011) IRAN/Repack/balance: 5hr (Jun 24)
All Logs (Contact for digital logs going back to 2000)
Paint/Exterior: 8/10
Interior: 8/10
Annual with extensive preventative and corrective maintenance Jun 2024. (Done by Aircraft Engineering (Bill Turley)). New battery, tires and pitot tube.
IFR Cert Jun 2024
LED Landing/Taxi Lights
All ADs Complied with and checked/updated Jun 2024
Dual G5s
Garmin 750
Garmin GFC500
Garmin GTX 345 (ADSB In/Out)
Garmin GMA 345 (Bluetooth)
Electronics International US-8A EGT & CHT monitor
Bendix King KX-155 Com/Nav Radio
Strike Finder
Hangared at KRBW (Walterboro, SC)
Damage history: nose gear & prop 2010. (Repaired & inspected to factory-new standards)