Forsale by proud owner, beautiful & often flown back-country Pa-22 with lots of STCs!
1955 Piper PA-22-150 Tri-Pacer
Aircraft Listing Type
For Sale
Seller location
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Aircraft location
Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States
Airframe & Propulsion
Airframe Total time
3,000 hours
Airframe Description
Corrosion-free airframe always hangared in dry western US for last ~50 years, last covered with lifetime Cenonite fabric in late 1960s. Auxilary fuel tank adds another hour of duration - for 44 gal useable (500nm range / 5hrs endurance).
Lifetime Airframes Alaska sealed struts. All LED high-intensity lighting including landing, taxi, wingtip nav-strobes, beacon, and dimmable panel lights. Boosted brakes and custom made yokes (no more uncomfortable steering wheels.
Removable rear door makes for an excellent photo platform, and provides easy access to back seats.
Total hours flown in the past 6 months
12 hours
150 HP Lycoming O-320 with spin-on oil filter adaptor, 70A alternator conversion, EMI power filter, new silicone seals throughout, and strong compressions (74/80 or greater all cylinders). "Climb" pitched Sensinich propeller (overhauled 2014) has taken it to 14,000ft altitude numerous times.
Flight rules
Instrument Flight Rules
Navigation equipment
Bendix KLN-89b IFR GPS with dedicated CDI and annunciator panel, UAvionix AV-30 PFD (connected to KLN-89b), Narco Nav-121 VOL/LOC, Narco DME-890 DME interrogator. Wired for Nav-122 ILS/VOR receiver.
Comms equipment
Dual Narco Comm-810 VHF radios, Narco CP-136 Audio panel with marker beacon receiver, Sigtronics SPA-4 Intercom with Pilot, Co-pilot, back seat drops, music and hand mic inputs, and independent push-to-talk. permanent yoke mount PTT.
Engine management
Analog CHT, EGT gauge in addition to orignal tach, oil press & tem, and ammeter.
Additional equipment
Custom panel blank by "the Cub Doctor" Clyde Smith, using factory tooling and finished in curly cherry. Includes 3x chart pockets made to radio cutout standards for future avionics expansion.
Independent PWM dimmable LED panel and instrument lights. Original (working!) 8-day mechanical clock with second hand, vacuum directional gyro (with heading bug) and turn & bank. Electric Hobbs meter. Sealed RG battery.
Interior & Exterior
Number of seats
Additional equipment
Interior Condition
Good condition leather and fabric seats, new Airtex carpeting and boot cowl covers. Headliner in good condition, side panels showing some wear. Showstopper panel in Art-Deco curly cherry veneer.
Interior Year
Interior Score
Exterior Condition
Lifetime ceconite fabric with no major paint gaps or repairs.
Paint Score
Inspection Status
Current annual June 2024. Transponder and Pitot-static check January 2023.
Inspection Expiry
Mon, Jun 30, 2025
Damage history
No known damage.