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1973 Piper PA-32-300 Cherokee Six

Single-engine Piston-Used
Registration no. N255KHSerial no. 32-7340114

Aircraft Listing Type

For Sale


ADS-B Out, 1,461lb Useful Load, 7th Seat

This Cherokee 6 is one of the best family haulers out there with a useful load of 1,461lbs and the 7th seat configuration. The prop has a recent overhaul the annual inspection is being completed now! Call AOS today to secure this Cherokee Six! 

Seller location

Kokomo, Indiana, United States

Aircraft location

Kokomo, Indiana, United States

Airframe Total time

5,235 hours


Remaining engine hours before the factory recommended Time Before Overhaul (TBO).
1238.1 SMOH025050075010001250150017502000 TBO15002000 TBO

Airframe Description

Useful Load: 1,461lbs

Useable Fuel: 84 Gallons


Prop Overhaul Date: April 2019

Hours since Prop Overhaul: 46

Engine Make: Lycoming

Engine Serial #: L-10759-48

Engine Model: IO-540-K1A5

Engine HP: 300

Type of Overhaul: Major Overhaul 

Date of Overhaul: March 28th, 1994

Overhaul Shop: Canadian Aero Engine and Accessories

Engine Hours since Overhaul: 1,238.1

Flight rules

Instrument Flight Rules

Navigation equipment

Audio Panel paired with Flightcom 6 Place Intercom

Garmin GNC 300XL GPS/Com 1

King KX-155 Nav/Com 2 with Localizer and Glideslope

Narco AT-150 Transponder

Piper Autocontrol III

uAvionix Tail Beacon for ADS-B Out

King ADF

Comms equipment

Audio Panel paired with Flightcom 6 Place Intercom

Garmin GNC 300XL GPS/Com 1

King KX-155 Nav/Com 2 with Localizer and Glideslope

Engine management

GEM 602 Engine Monitor

Additional equipment

7th Seat

Wheel Pants

New Pilot and Copilot windshields in 2020

Dual Push to Talk

Dual Shoulder Harnesses

Avionics Master Switch

Engine Pre-Heater

AD 2020-26-16 Eddy Current inspection completed 2021

Number of seats


Additional equipment


Interior Condition

The interior is in good condition with normal wear! The seats are in good condition with no rips or tears. The carpet is showing some normal staining for the age.

Exterior Condition

The exterior is in good condition! The aircraft was stripped and painted in 1997. The paint is showing some wear around the front of the cowling and leading edges. There are no signs of hail marks. 

Paint Year


Inspection Status

Click HERE to view Logs and 337's 

Last Annual Competed: February 2025

AD 2020-26-16 Eddy Current inspection completed 2021

Damage history

The aircraft had an off-field landing in 1985 when the pilot ran a tip tank out of fuel. The right leading edge of the wing outboard of the fuel tank was replaced. See 337 form for details. The wings were partially reskinned in 2021 due to patches found that were previously installed. 

Listed for Sale
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This 1972 Piper PA-32-300 Cherokee Six Is a Sturdy, Reliable ‘AircraftForSale’ Top Pick

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