Location KTIW, Tacoma Narrows Airport
Airframe Description
Acft Weight 1839, Useful 1510.50
Sportsman STOL
84 Gallon fuel capacity, wet wing
Total hours flown in the past 6 months
25 hours
IO-550 SMOH 512 (overhaul 2022)
Mags, Fuel control, Alternator and Starter new or overhauled 2024.
Hartzel 3 Blade SMOH 1023 (2019)
Navigation equipment
EI CGR-30C and CGR-30P
Dual G 5
Garmin 760
Garmin 225 Comm
Garmin 335
Float Kit, yes
Ski Kit, Yes
Light Aerocet 3500 floats available
Inspection Status
Annual Due 4/2025
Paint 8/10
Interior 9/10
Full Logs, yes
Damage History - Yes