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1979 Mooney M20K 305 Rocket

Single-engine Piston-Used
Registration no. N231SBSerial no. 25-0036

Aircraft Listing Type

For Sale


  • 1979 Mooney Rocket 305
  • Do you want turbo Cirrus Speeds at a quarter of the cost?  
  • Look no further than this recently refreshed Mooney Rocket 305. This aircraft started out as a 1979 Mooney M20K. Then was converted to a Rocket in September of 1999 changing the engine out to a Factory Remanufactured 305 HP Turbocharged TSIO-520NB and adding many mods to include TKS, Speed Brakes, Monroy Long Range Tanks (101 gal useable). Aircraft is Certified to FL240.
  • Rockets are equipped with Full feathering props
  • Low time Airframe 2650TTAF, 940 SFREM and 705 SPOH.  
  • The previous owner taxied across an icy/snowy ramp in 2001 and hit 1/8" of the prop in the snow. Engine was removed and Inspected, Prop was overhauled 705 hrs ago.
  • The aircraft sat in the enclosed hangar from 2016-2024 before a thorough , no expense spared annual was performed. The Turbo was sent out to Main Turbo and overhauled, Propeller was sent out for Iran due to the aircraft sitting, Governor was overhauled, both Mags were sent out and completed 500hr inspections, the Alternator was sent out as well as the coupler for IRAN, Engine Driven fuel pump was overhauled, new plugs, vacuum pump, gear donuts, tires, tubes, spark plugs, exhaust was leak checked, repaired and coated. The landing gear was repainted and the original paint that shines well was touched up. Annual completed in April 2024, IFR Check Completed March 2024. The airplane has flown 30hrs since April 2024.
  • The avionics package includes a new Garmin 345 ADSB IN/OUT Transponder that talks to both WAAS Garmin 430W and the MX20 MFD displaying both Traffic and weather without a subscription. Garmin 340 Audio Panel with 4 place intercom. New Garmin Transponder was installed in May 2024 and allows for flying above FL180 and crossing the ADIZ to take the aircraft to the Bahamas or Canada.
  • 1024lbs useful load
  • 3200# Gross Takeoff Weight
  • Come see this very nice airplane that has been maintained with an open checkbook. Truly a go anywhere, do anything airplane. $189,000 Serious inquiries only please.

Seller location

Watkinsville, Georgia, United States

Aircraft location

Watkinsville, Georgia, United States

Airframe Total time

2,650 hours

Engine 1 hours

940 hours SFRM


  • Engine-TSIO-520NB 305HP, 3 Bladed Full Feathering prop model number 3AF32C505-C, TKS, Speed Brakes, Monroy Long Range Tanks (101gal useable).

Flight rules

Instrument Flight Rules

Navigation equipment

  • Garmin 345 ADSB IN/OUT Transponder
  • GMA340 Audio Panel
  • Dual Garmin 430W WAAS Radios/GPS
  • MX20 MFD that displays traffic and Weather without a subscription
  • KFC200 Auto Pilot
  • HSI
  • Flight Director
  • Engine Monitor

Number of seats


Interior Condition

  • Interior replaced in 2001, Good Condition.

Interior Year


Exterior Condition

  • Original Paint that shines up nicely, paint touched up in March 2024.  

Paint Year


Inspection Status

  • Just refreshed and open check book annual!
Listed for Sale
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