DEUCE . $23,000 : FLY RIGHT
NoW .2017 Super Bakeng
Deuce TT59Hrs Low time Lyc 0-
Deuce TT59Hrs Low time Lyc 0-320-B3B 160HP.TSMO 59Hrs lots
320-B3B 160HP.TSMO 59Hrs lots320-B3B 160HP.TSMO 59Hrs lots
of fun airplane, Easy to fly,
Stable,very Strong well build led
Nav LIghts Digital Terra Com &
TXP,JPI fuel flow, Flight Com
Intercom,gel Battery,Spin Oil
filter,Shure fly Electronic Ignition.
Flights Regularly.Cessna 170
Main landing gear,Aeronca Bush
tail wheel,Cleveland Wheels and
Brakes. Brand New. ready for
: Contact Manuel
Lascurain -TORIBIO LLC , Owner located San Antonio, TX 78253
United States . Telephone: 726-