Cessna 180H
5400 TT
550 SMOH Engine is a Conti 0-470R
88" McCauley Seaplane Propeller new in 2021
138 hrs. SNEW
Seaplane Exhaust, Brackett Air Filter, Oil quick drain, 2019 paint, interior and windscreen, leather seats, rear bush seats, clean panel with Stratus transponder and ADSB, integrated WAAS with Appareo interface kit for traffic and weather, iPad radio panel mount, new Rosen Visors, shoulder harnesses, door stewards, bubble windows, Selkirk extended baggage installed 2021, tail pull handles, wingtip strobes, LED landing light, 8.50x6 mains, 65 Gallon fuel, new left side bladder 2022.
Wheel Gear, Edo 2870 floats refurbished 2020, federal 2500 skis refurbished 2019 with manual pump.
2850 lb. gross weight on floats.
The new interior is partial, door and side panels are older, they have some wear and fading.
New aileron and flap cables in 2019
This Aircraft is meticulously maintained and has been well cared for, always hangered in winter.