This 1977 Cessna 340A offers exceptional performance with RAM VI mod, Power Pac Spoilers and an upgraded avionics suite, including a Garmin G500, GNS430W and GNS530W.
Contact Airside Aviation for more information!
For Sale
This 1977 Cessna 340A offers exceptional performance with RAM VI mod, Power Pac Spoilers and an upgraded avionics suite, including a Garmin G500, GNS430W and GNS530W.
Contact Airside Aviation for more information!
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
7,208 hours
Engine Left
Make/Model: Teledyne Continental TSIO-520-NB
Serial No.: 145158-5-B
Time: 535.7 SMOH
Overhauled September 2016
Engine Right
Make/Model: Teledyne Continental TSIO-520-NB
Serial No.: 208071-9-5
Time: 1892.6 SMOH | 750 STOH
Propeller Left
Make/Model: Hartzell PHC-C3YF-24F
Hub Serial No.: EB8802B
Blade Design: FC7663D-2Q
Blade Serial No.: E97831, E97826, ad E97842
Time: 30.2 SPOH
Overhauled November 2023
Propeller Right
Make/Model: Hartzell PHC-C3YF-24F
Hub Serial No.:8818B
Blade Design: FC7663D-2Q
Blade Serial No.: E97292, E97105, and E97068
Time: 30.2 SPOH
Overhauled November 2023
Instrument Flight Rules
Integrated Flight Deck: Garmin G500 w/ SVT
PFD/MFD: GDU620 (Dual 6.5 inch LCD displays for G500)
WAAS GPS: Garmin GNS530W
WAAS GPS: Garmin GNS430W
Aux Flight Display: Garmin G5
Autopilot: S-Tec 65 with altitude preselect
WX Radar: RS-181S Radar
BendixKing IN-182A Colour Radar Indicator
Transponder: GTX345D – ADSB in/out
Traffic Awareness System: Garmin GTS800
Garmin AERA 510 for NEXRAD
Sirius Satellite Weather
Rosen Sun Visor
Vortex Generators
Power Pac Spoilers SP4000
RAM Series VI Performance Kit
Air Conditioning
GAMI Injectors
Cowl Covers
Bruce Engine Cowl Covers
Kennon Internal Window Sun Shields
Tow Bar
Oxygen Masks
Jumper Cable with 3-pin plug
Cargo Tie Downs
Engine Oil Pan
Cabin Heaters
Janitrol Heater with very low time in service
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