Cruise up to 230 knots in pressurized comfort above most weather.
Both engines firewall forward overhauls; props overhauled; new Garmin G600 autopilot with yaw damper. Recent annual inspection.
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For Sale
Cruise up to 230 knots in pressurized comfort above most weather.
Both engines firewall forward overhauls; props overhauled; new Garmin G600 autopilot with yaw damper. Recent annual inspection.
Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States
4,280 hours
Good condition; tan leather interior with dark blue carpet; 6 seats
48 hours SMOH
30 hours SMOH
Recent overhauls. Continental TSIO-520. Left O/H 2020; Right O/H 2022
Props and all engine accessories overhauled at same time.
Instrument Flight Rules
New Garmin G600 autopilot & yaw damper, 2 new GI275 ADI and HSI
Garmin GTN750; GTX345; GNC225A
ADS-B; WX500 Stormscope; GDL69 XM WX
Shadin Dual FF tied to GTN750
RDR-150 Monochrome radar
Air Conditioning, Dual-controls
Very clean and tasteful interior; tan leather; sheepskin covers for front seats
Paint in good condition; de-ice boots have 2 patches
Annual inspection recently completed
Fri, May 31, 2024
Partial gear collapse - 1991; fully repaired
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