Honeywell SPZ-8000 Avionics Platform
Dual Honeywell FZ-800 Flight Guidance Computers
Honeywell EDZ-815 5-Tube EFIS w/TCAS and V/S Indication Capabilities
Dual Aeronetics BDI-303A Bearing Distance Indicators
JET ADl-330B Standby Attitude Indicator w/ Airspeed & Altitude
Dual Honeywell FMZ-2000 FMS Version NZ 6.1
Dual Honeywell CD-810 FMS Control Display Units
Dual Honeywell AZ-810 Air Data Computers
Dual Collins VIR-32 Nav Receivers w/ FM Immunity
Dual Collins VHF-22D Transceivers with 8.33 kHz Spacing
Dual Collins TDR-94D Mode-S Transponders
Collins HF-9000 HF w/ SELCAL & Dual HF-9010 HF Controllers
Dual Baker Audio Control Panels with 3rd Crew lnterphone and AMP
Aircell Axxess Dual-Channel Iridium SATCOM w/ Two (2) Wired Handsets
Triple Honeywell LASEREF II IRS w/ LASERTRAK Navigation Display Unit
Honeywell TCZ-910 TCAS II
Honeywell MK-V EGPWS
Dual Honeywell HG2021GD02 12-Channel GNSSUs
Artex 406Mhz ELT